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Healthcare Services Group is looking for a Food Service Director located in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Company Information Company Name: Healthcare Services Group Company Address: 3220 Tillman Drive Company City: Bensalem Company State: PA Company Zip: 19020 Company Website: Company Description: Healthcare Services Group, HCSG, is an experienced partner in managing housekeeping, laundry, dining, and nutritional services within the healthcare market. With over 45 years of industry experience, HCSG aims to deliver improved operational, regulatory, and financial outcomes. We achieve this by designing and implementing ...
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Healthcare Services Group is looking for a Food Service Director located in Claremont, New Hampshire. Company Information Company Name: Healthcare Services Group Company Address: 3220 Tillman Drive Company City: Bensalem Company State: PA Company Zip: 19020 Company Website: Company Description: Healthcare Services Group, HCSG, is an experienced partner in managing housekeeping, laundry, dining, and nutritional services within the healthcare market. With over 45 years of industry experience, HCSG aims to deliver improved operational, regulatory, and financial outcomes. We achieve this by designing and implementing the ...
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Healthcare Services Group is looking for a Food Service Director located in Oak Hill, West Virginia. Company Information Company Name: Healthcare Services Group Company Address: 3220 Tillman Drive Company City: Bensalem Company State: PA Company Zip: 19020 Company Website: Company Description: Healthcare Services Group, HCSG, is an experienced partner in managing housekeeping, laundry, dining, and nutritional services within the healthcare market. With over 45 years of industry experience, HCSG aims to deliver improved operational, regulatory, and financial outcomes. We achieve this by designing and implementing the ...
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Healthcare Services Group is looking for a Food Service Director located in Midland, Texas. Company Information Company Name: Healthcare Services Group Company Address: 3220 Tillman Drive Company City: Bensalem Company State: PA Company Zip: 19020 Company Website: Company Description: Healthcare Services Group, HCSG, is an experienced partner in managing housekeeping, laundry, dining, and nutritional services within the healthcare market. With over 45 years of industry experience, HCSG aims to deliver improved operational, regulatory, and financial outcomes. We achieve this by designing and implementing the most efficient ...
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Healthcare Services Group is looking for a Certified Dietary Manager located in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Company Information Company Name: Healthcare Services Group Company Address: 3220 Tillman Drive Company City: Bensalem Company State: PA Company Zip: 19020 Company Website: Company Description: Healthcare Services Group, HCSG, is an experienced partner in managing housekeeping, laundry, dining, and nutritional services within the healthcare market. With over 45 years of industry experience, HCSG aims to deliver improved operational, regulatory, and financial outcomes. We achieve this by designing and implementing ...
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Covenant Living is looking for a Dining Operations Manager, Certified Dietary Manager located in Maryville, Tennessee. Company Information Company Name: Covenant Living Company Address: 804 Shannondale Way Company City: Maryville Company State: TN Company Zip: 37803 Company Website: Company Description: Covenant Living & CovenantCare at Home are faith-based Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) & Home Health organization. From the establishment of our first community – Covenant Home of Chicago in 1886 – to becoming the fifth-largest not-for-profit CCRC sponsor in the ...
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I’d like to dedicate this month’s renderings to all my fellow CDM, CFPP colleagues who have weathered the COVID cloud thus far with GRIT and GRACE, all while making sure the plates stayed filled! What a difference a shot in the arm makes! How wonderful to see our residents’ faces and most importantly their smiles now that we are back to serving them at their tables. Life has truly improved in our care centers, hospitals, and our own social bubbles! Being able to spend time once again with our own elderly family members and friends, the person-to-person conversations, and warm hugs are wonderful to have back! I can share that my own mother did very well; we ...
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“ Trust, but verify ”- quoted by Ronald Reagan (orig. Russian Proverb) I enjoy authoring these blogs and find the most rewarding part is the research I do to help with the topics that I am passionate about. Learning new things is so important for brain health especially since we CDM, CFPPs work in an environment that is fast-paced and challenging. We need to replenish our “bag of tricks” as managers on a routine basis! Garbage in, garbage out! How do we sort through it–the things we hear and see every day? EDUCATE yourself and others. We are never too old to learn. Let’s look at the three wise monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil! YOUR grapevine…. ...
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Not everything with the letter “e” is easy.... Emotions, empathy, engagement, energy, enthusiasm... all things work and home related! Everyone’s “e” baggage is packed and ready to take with you or leave behind. It’s a choice. I relate the “e” to much in life such as parenting and educating. A huge piece of my “e” of existence is being a mom. This is an ever-evolving job, a life sentence in many ways, taking the good with the not so good. Lately it’s good, except my boy’s blonde my husband reminds me, pick your battles. Yes, he would benefit from a haircut but at least now it’s not blue, black, or pink. At this stage in his young adulthood, ...
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“The best leaders are the best notetakers, the best askers and the best learners!” - Tom Peters This month, I have taken a new look at the way I am able to follow and give directions. Over the holidays, I love to bake, and I did just that! BUT for the first time in many years, I had a few colossal baking failures! When I shared this with my husband, the first thing he asked, being an analytical chemist, was if I had followed the recipe, in which I gave him the infamous wifey stare before replying “not so much”. This is a man who makes his living by meticulously following SOPs, only deviating once issues arise, and then he “tweaks” the protocol. He made a great ...
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“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” ― Socrates Honey, we have an app for that…this was my husband’s recent response to me when I asked (in frustration) why the Christmas tree would not turn on after I spent hours decorating it! YES, he did help set it up, the whole three sections that needed connecting and then positioning it so that it was straight. We all hate a crooked tree! I know the surrounding universe “heard” my eyes roll; the cats saw it too. Really? An app on our phones for this, the most hallowed holiday tradition, the lighting of the tree! It should not have surprised me, after all we have the entire house connected to ...

Keep Looking Up!

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Rainbows evoke happiness, bring smiles, provide hope, and even bring unicorns into view! Talk about a universal word, picture, and symbol! We need to find them in our lives, work, and thoughts each and every day! This month I attended an educational training and learned that adjusting my diet to follow eating foods in the colors of the rainbow 🌈 would promote brain health! What an incredibly positive recommendation! It got me thinking happy thoughts until I realized chocolate is not a color of the rainbow…then I remembered white chocolate–that works! Being a foodie, I came to ponder some favorites throughout my life, starting with my favorite cereal ...

Seasons of Change

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Winter is an etching, Spring a watercolor, Summer an oil painting, and Autumn a mosaic of them all! As we approach the next season of our challenging 2020, think about the landscape that surrounds you! How can you paint your days to be more beautiful than the previous ones? I’m that neighbor who goes all out for decorating both indoors and outdoors! I love adding interest to our yard and home! I’m self-sufficient and am an independent, modern woman. Ladders, duct tape, 3M magic strips–I do it all! I am stating this fact as my husband is very tolerant BUT is not much for the pre-prep participation! He enjoys the end results and has even been caught outside ...

How’s Your Huddle?

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George Bernard Shaw once said: "The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion it has taken place." Do you sometimes feel that the words are coming out of your mouth but not “sticking” to anyone? Everyone hears and retains information differently, so “one size fits all” is not the standard to gauge how well your communication skills resonate with your staff. Currently, our face-to-face contact is being tested and I feel sometimes like a Zoomer Boomer using my keypad to “reach others.” Team meetings, educational sessions, and even family gatherings are so reliant on technology during this point in time that I can feel hampered in keeping my “reach” ...
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Growing up, I’m sure I drove my family crazy being the “WHY” child. Now, do not get this confused with the WILD child! The whole concept of birthrights always comes up when we gather the clan, so much so that I joined forces with my mother this past Christmas; she bought the pajama bottoms and I purchased the tops for my siblings that read “I am the oldest child and I make the rules, I am the middle child, I’m the reason we have the rules,” and “I am the youngest child, the rules don’t apply to me!” I have always held my ground that being the “baby” made me question things more often. I am always looking for the best option. Work smarter, not harder! COVID-19 ...
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Hello Fellow CDM, CFPPs! I hope this finds everyone healthy and trying to find a doable “work/life balance” and a great hobby to keep your mind in a quiet place each day! In the past few weeks during this pandemic, my thoughts have gone out to all the states and counties that are having to cancel their state and county fairs this summer. I grew up in rural Nebraska as a 4H kid who learned many talents through this wonderful program! I can proudly say many of the talented “Blue Ribbon” bakers back home could work circles around Martha Stewart, and we were lucky to have them share their wonderful farm life skills with us as small kids. We were all in it together; ...

Hyped on Hobbies

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To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real. - Winston Churchill I find Churchill’s quote profound in that he offers his perspective and points out that two or three hobbies would make it real! It makes me happy to know that my many, many (too many to count, and at times to control) hobbies fall well into the category of making it real! I told my husband not to worry about the amount of yarn hanging about the house! The many pandemic pitfalls we are living through currently makes having a hobby a great stress outlet to ground yourself and slow down the chaos within your life. It’s also a way ...

Corralling Chaos

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A long walk in the corn fields, canyons, or watching the cows graze or horses run was a great way to “slow down the world” and just take in the beauty of the day! This was how I was raised; “just go outside for a while and things will look better.” That’s what my grandmother would always say. She’s no longer with us but her wisdom still reigns! I find myself sharing her wisdom with many these days as we need to “slow down the chaos” and try corralling it. A hometown “cowgirl” friend shared the following devotional reading. It fits what we need to ponder in the upcoming COVID-19 days… TRUST THE DRIVER. As a general rule, horses don’t like trailers, and ...
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Do YOU Lead your Day, or Does IT Lead You? Reflect for a moment on this quote: “ A LEADER IS ONE WHO KNOWS THE WAY, GOES THE WAY, AND SHOWS THE WAY!" - John C. Maxwell Now, honestly ask yourself: are you leading or being led once you walk into your job? Burnout, wipeout, put out, all can happen once you become acclimated in your work culture. I always left my house joyful, excited, and energized with my mug of coffee in hand, smiling and greeting those I met along the way! THEN I WOULD SEE MY OFFICE DOOR. I let that define my mood and day depending on how many notes were taped to it or stuffed under the door. The pink colored notes blinded me from ...
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Have you ever asked yourself, heard from your staff or even your child, “how am I supposed to know all of that?” Have you ever given or heard the response, “because you should know?” Or, worse yet, “Because it’s your job!” We know what we know because we are curious enough to figure it out. Or, our curiosity led us to seek it out through education! As CDM, CFPPs, we did just that. We became certified in foodservice management and food safety! Do we have all the answers to our job’s daily questions? Are we all Jeopardy masters, able to clear the game board? Probably not, BUT we are expected to know where to look and how to share what we know! Here are some ...